Research Projects (since 2017)
LEVIKO-XR - Extended Reality - Teacher Education in Virtual Contexts

2023 - 2026
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), financed by the European Union (NextGenerationEU)
For the field of music education, the use of VR / AR opens up a wide range of possibilities. For example, students and teachers can interact creatively (singing, playing instruments, dancing, etc.) in a shared virtual or augmented space
CA/AXR - Computer Audition & Acoustical Extended Reality

2020 - 2026
funded by the Volkswagen Foundation within the Momentum Initiative
As part of the Momentum Initiative of the Volkswagen Foundation, the project focuses on the two pillars Computer Audition and Acoustical Extended Reality.
PRESET - Principles of Electronic Sound Production

2019 - 2023
funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG)
The research project "Principles of Electronic Sound Production: Systematization and Elaboration of a Terminology" (PRESET) deals with the disproportion between the omnipresence of electronic sound, both in all art forms and everyday life, and the shortage of terminological tools capable of apprehending this phenomenon in a suitably scientifical way.
NOSTRESS - Individualized stress reduction through multimodal VR environments

funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Within the collaborative project "Individualized stress reduction through multimodal VR environments and empathic user interfaces" (NOSTRESS) MTDML is involved with a sub-contract via the consortium partner TRO Music Services.