
LEVIKO-XR - Extended Reality - Teacher Education in Virtual Contexts
In the field of digitally assisted teaching, virtual and augmented reality (VR / AR) have so far played only a minor role, especially in music and creative disciplines. Works that explicitly deal with music teaching or music teacher education are just as rare as corresponding further and advanced training offers. However, this is expected to change rapidly in the near future and VR / AR will become a ubiquitous part of children's, young people's and teachers' lives, just as screen-based mobile media have become over the past 10 years.
Especially for the field of music education, the use of VR / AR opens up a wide range of possibilities. For example, students and teachers can interact creatively (singing, playing instruments, dancing, etc.) in a shared virtual or augmented space, while the movements and interactions are recorded and visualized for later analysis / reflection / evaluation.
The collaborative partners University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf (MIREVI), Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen and Osnabrück University (MTDML) have already conducted various research and teaching projects in this area and have developed and evaluated corresponding VR / AR tools. The aim of the project is to use or adapt these and integrate them into specific VR / AR teaching-learning designs. At the end of the project, the teaching-learning designs developed with the method of design-based research should be able to be used and further developed easily and intuitively in various scenarios by actors in teacher education. In this way, portable and mobile VR / AR further education formats based on open standards will be created for music teaching.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), financed by the European Union (NextGenerationEU)
Part of the Competence Center Music/Arts/Sports (Kompetenzzentrum Musik/Kunst/Sport) within the Competence Network lernen:digital
Principal investigator at MTDML and network coordinator: Prof. Dr. Michael Oehler, Osnabrück University
Project team at MTDML: Leonard Bruns, Benedict Saurbier, Minh Voong, Mathilda Bruns, Antonia Rau and Julian Röcher
Network partners: Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen (PI: Prof. Dr. Philipp Ahner) , University of Applied Science Düsseldorf, MIREVI (PI: Prof. Dr. Christian Geiger)